Temazepam 30 mg


Temazepam 30 mg


Temazepam 30 mg is a benzodiazepine (ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peen). It affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with sleep problems (insomnia).

Temazepam 30 mg


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Temazepam 30 mg

Temazepam 30 mg is a benzodiazepine (ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peen). It affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with sleep problems (insomnia).

Temazepam is used short term to treat insomnia (trouble falling or staying asleep).

Temazepam works by slowing down the central nervous system (brain), causing drowsiness which helps patients fall asleep.

How should I take Temazepam 30 mg?

Take temazepam exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Follow the directions on your prescription label and read all medication guides or instruction sheets. Never use temazepam in larger amounts, or for longer than prescribed. Tell your doctor if you feel an increased urge to use more of this medicine.

Never share this medicine with another person, especially someone with a history of drug abuse or addiction. MISUSE CAN CAUSE ADDICTION, OVERDOSE, OR DEATH. Keep the medication in a place where others cannot get to it. Selling or giving away this medicine is against the law.

Take Temazepam 30 mg only when you are getting ready for several hours of sleep. You may fall asleep very quickly after taking the medicine. zeecontainer kopen

Call your doctor if your insomnia does not improve after taking temazepam for 7 to 10 nights, or if you have any mood or behavior changes. Insomnia can be a symptom of depression, mental illness, or certain medical conditions.

Temazepam should be used for only a short time. Do not take this medicine for longer than 2 weeks without your doctor’s advice.

Do not stop using this medicine without asking your doctor. You may have life-threatening withdrawal symptoms if you stop using the medicine suddenly.

Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat. Keep your medicine in a place where no one can use it improperly.

Temazepam 30 mg Dosing information

Usual Adult Dose for Insomnia:

7.5 to 30 mg orally once a day at bedtime

-In transient insomnia, a 7.5 mg dose may be sufficient to improve sleep latency.
-In elderly or debilitated patients, therapy should be initiated at 7.5 mg until individual responses are determined.

Use: Short-term treatment of insomnia (generally 7 to 10 days)

What happens if I miss a dose?

Temazepam 30 mg is used when needed. If you are on a dosing schedule, skip any missed dose. Take temazepam only when you have time for several hours of sleep. Do not use two doses at one time.

What happens if I overdose?

Seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222. An overdose of Temazepam 30 mg can be fatal if you take it with alcohol, opioid medicine, or other drugs that cause drowsiness or slow your breathing.

Overdose symptoms may include extreme drowsiness, confusion, or coma.

What should I avoid while taking temazepam?

Do not drink alcohol. Dangerous side effects or death could occur.

You may still feel sleepy the morning after taking Temazepam 30 mg. Wait until you are fully awake before you drive, operate machinery, or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert. Your reactions may be impaired.

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